Projet numéro 2806 : " AZURE DEVOPS"

Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
Contexte de la mission:

Level of Experience Confirmé (4-7ans)

Prefered experience Language: English (level C1), French

Methodology: Agile (Scrum, Kanban), business analysis (5Ws, MoSCoW.)

Required technical skills Format: JSON, XML, YAML

Modeling format: MindMap (XMind), UML (sequence diagram.)

Software: Swagger (Editor, Hub), EDI (VSCode)

Specifications format: OpenAPI 3.x, Swagger 2.0

Standard: ISO, REST (Richardson level 2, 3), RFC

Tools: Git, Office 360, Postman

Optionals technical skills Cloud: AWS, Azure, OpenShift

Programming language: C#, JavaScript, TypeScript

Query language: kusto

Security: Threat modeling and current standard (SAML, OAuth2, JWT)

Specification format: AsyncAPI, WSDL

Standards: ACORD

Tools: Azure DevOps, AppInsight

Other skills or abilities desired

Interpersonal skills Autonomous, Curious, Creative, Force of Proposals, Good Interpersonal Relationships, Polite

Missions description Create and review Pull Request on Azure DevOps

Ensure the compliance of the specified API with the real implementation

Evangelize the community with API best practices

Participate in internal API communities

Participate in the API Design Authority committee

Participate in the improvement of the team tools and processes

Perform and share technology watch on API topics

Review and challenge (if necessary) business requirement

Specify API to fulfill business requirement

Support both technical and business partners with the API integration Requested deliverables API Designs
  •  Le client: est une SSII spécialisée dans le placement des ressources humaines. 

  • Durée indicative: 12 mois 

  • Démarrage: ASAP

  •  Lieu: Île-de-France, France

  • Tarif journalier indicatif: 360-470 €/j

  • Type de mission: Freelance en régie/ Télétravail partiel


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