SGBD (HFSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, ...)
Windev for :
- windows platform 32 or 64 bits
- Webservice Rest and soap
- Linux applications 32 or 64 bits
- java compation
Webdev for web application
Windev mobile for
- Android
- windows Mobile , windows IOT, UWA
Poulina Holding groupe : bridge weighing systems with secured access
Aquila chimie : Automatique dosing system
Sanlucar : tracking system and stock management
Supervision system
Winflotte : web application
Visteon : supervision and command laser marking system
Niveau Bac +5
Expert en développement logiciel avec les A.G.L de PCSoft
- développement desktop for industry applications (embedded, supervision system, weighinh systems,...)
- web applications for specific usage like GPAO, CRM for call center, tracking systems, etc...
- Mobile applications for professional use.