Profil du prestataire philhu

Informations générales sur le prestataire philhu

Nickname : philhu
Type de structure : freelance qualifié
Date inscription : 15/11/2010
Dernière fois en ligne : 19/05/2020
Classement : classé 25ème sur 5 299 prestataires classés

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Profil détaillé du prestataire philhu

Domaines de compétence

I gleaned during the last 3 years a strong understanding of public safety environments. Particularly, I am consulted for call-center telephone systems (Alcatel and Avaya CTI/TSAPI programming models) and mobile radio development (EADS TETRA system).  I have also a solid experience in the development of CAD systems for electronic and electromagnetic circuit designs.

My software expertise is in C++ and C#:

C++ object-oriented design and development

15 years experience in large and complex C++ projects with expertise in object oriented concepts, Win32 and MFC, multithread environment, STL and Boost libraries. Besides the technical aspects of programming, I attach great importance to the quality of the code. Writing maintainable and robust programs is especially important for me even for small projects.

I am skilled with creating well-documented and readable software libraries in a manner convenient to and understandable by the users.

C# and .NET programming

Write C# 2.0 professionally. I understand the new features introduced in C# 3.0. I prefer to develop in C# if there is no good reason to write in C++. I am familiar with mixed-platform projects (native C++, C++/CLI, C#). My current projects (2010) are based on event-driven / multi-threaded components.

Visual Studio 2005 and 2010

My preferred development environment is Visual Studio 2005 or 2010. I have professional
licenses for both versions and VS2008. So, I can develop in my own office. I have also a long experience with VS 6.0.

Application refactoring and debugging

Enjoy code refactoring and debugging. Both require strong analytical skills and perseverance.
If you have legacy programs that you need to fix or upgrade, you can contact me.

...and in these areas :            

·      Version control with CVS, Subversion and Microsoft Visual Source Safe

·      Runtime analysis with IBM Rational PurifyPlus

·      Code documentation with Doxygen

·      Defect reporting and tracking with Redmine

I have good knowledge but I can’t claim an expertise - in these areas:

ASP.NET web development

My site represents what I can do in
ASP.NET. It uses a master page and CSS to control the layout and style. It has
a few Ajax controls. I have also developed a site with data binding controls
and a membership provider. I know also how to integrate web services. So, you
see I am not an ASP.NET expert but I can certainly develop professional web
sites for small businesses and associations.


Databases, SQL

I know SQL. I have worked with Oracle server in
commercial environments. I've also worked with MS SQL for a web project. I know
how to write programs that use ADO.NET objects like data sets and data readers.
But I can't claim I am a database expert.

Expérience professionnelle

Recent Accomplishments


·       Established processes and techniques for code source control and defect tracking in a development team.

·       Mentored on good practices and principles of professional programming. Established quality controls.

·       Assumed a technical lead role and teamed with managers on determining planning and resource plans set up.

·       Played a key role in the design and development of projects for the public safety market like:

o   Services for localizing mobile phones (LBS) and identifying telephone callers (AniAli).

o   System for recording telephone and mobile radio in a call center environment.

o   Intelligent application to guide police mobile units to the location of incidents using radio short descriptive messages (TETRA SDS).

·       Developed complex telephone client/server applications for Avaya and Alcatel switches.

·       Here is a list of some projects developed for my clients:

·       Development of call recording applications for the Verint Audiolog Recording products. Three
modules written in C# (30000 lines), multi-threaded and event-driven. Interfaces to the hardware equipment based on DCOM interfaces, .NET Remoting and TCP streams.

·       Refactoring of a Microsoft TAPI telephony application to Avaya TSAPI technology. The project involved reverse engineering of an existing TAPI client/server application, design & implementation of a C++ DLL interfacing the Avaya TSAPI SDK, and of a COM C++ DLL to connect the legacy client/server applications. Metrics: 9 months from investigation to QA, 16,000 lines of code, 4,000 lines of Doxygen documentation.The application has been accepted and is deployed in the Belgian public safety call taking centers.

·       Upgrade of a TETRA radio application used in the Belgium's emergency dispatching centers (101 call centers). My customer asked me to modify an existing C++/MFC application to support recent versions of the EADS TETRA Connectivity Server. This project was accomplished in 4 months. The delivery was accepted without correction.

·      Various smaller C# developments like a multithread producer-consumer application, an Outlook interface to Sugar CRM, …

1993 PhD in Sciences, High Energy Physics (University of Brussels ULB)

1987 Diploma degree in Civil Engineering, section Physics (University of Brussels ULB)

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