Classé : 1 417ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CLIENT SQL SERVER ASP.NET 3TIERS ) : ...eL inux ( Debian, Mandriva, REDHAT), VMS, Windows (2003 Server & XP) Programmation ADA, J2EE, PHP, SQL, Notions de C.RUBY,PYTHON Base de Donn?es SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, SAP DB et Postgres Int?gr......ws (2003 Server & XP) Programmation ADA, J2EE, PHP, SQL, Notions de C.RUBY,PYTHON Base de Donn?es SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, SAP DB et Postgres Int?gration CMS ( Joomla, Spip, Ezpublish) S...... Programmation ADA, J2EE, PHP, SQL, Notions de C.RUBY,PYTHON Base de Donn?es SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, SAP DB et Postgres Int?gration CMS ( Joomla, Spip, Ezpublish) Syst?med'informatio......?meL inux ( Debian, Mandriva, REDHAT), VMS, Windows (2003 Server & XP)Programmation ADA, J2EE, PHP, SQL, Notions de C.RUBY,PYTHONBase de Donn?es SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, SAP DB et PostgresInt?gratio...
Classé : 3 034ème dans le classement général
Extrait de son profil ( CLIENT SQL SERVER ASP.NET 3TIERS ) : ...39;exploitation : Windows, Linux, Unix.Langage de programmation : C/C++, VB/C#. Net, Linq To SQL, ASP.NET, Java, Windev, XML, JavaScriptBase de donn?es : Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005/2008, M...... C/C++, VB/C#. Net, Linq To SQL, ASP.NET, Java, Windev, XML, JavaScriptBase de donn?es : Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005/2008, MySQL.Business Intelligence : Crystal Reports, Reporting Services, Integr......+, VB/C#. Net, Linq To SQL, ASP.NET, Java, Windev, XML, JavaScriptBase de donn?es : Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005/2008, MySQL.Business Intelligence : Crystal Reports, Reporting Services, Integration......ql, ASP.NET, Java, Windev, XML, JavaScriptBase de donn?es : Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL Server 2005/2008, MySQL.Business Intelligence : Crystal Reports, Reporting Services, Integration ServicesCalcul scientif...